At vrbn studios, we develop high-quality, off-the-shelf 3D content for realistic urban 3D environments for direct use in real-time graphics (game engines) and visual effects (VFX).
We dream big and work to Swiss quality standards. We’re driven by challenges and approach every project with the same sense of curiosity and wonder.
Our team includes veterans of the worlds of architecture, film, and video games. We share the vision to create amazing worlds. We’re a family of like-minded individuals who specialize in everything from Super Smash Bros. to Inception, and when it comes to content, we bring our A game.
For free demo content, or if you have questions about licensing or sales, please contact us.
Other 3D content seems cheaper? Be mindful of HIDDEN COSTS!
NO time-consuming creation of missing textures and fixing materials
NO converting files from different file formats
NO rework to match quality between models
NO tedious assembly of modular building sets needed
NO expensive architectural researchers needed (plus staff fluctuation risks)
NO legal hassle as all our content is 100% self made
Architectural consistency: Realistic architectural constructions
Technical consistency: Graphics performance optimizations
Realism consistency: Detailed, believable aesthetic
Consistent quality, optimizations and structure of content is key to efficient workflows in 3d graphics. The following key features allow quick and clean implementation in high-quality games, visual effects and other demanding 3d production contexts.
Consistent and realistic architecture
Physics based materials
Fully optimized data, ready for games and real-time applications
Ready to be used immediately in your scene
Optimized mesh complexities for different viewing distances
Building are set up for collisions
Consistent and realistic architecture
Physics based materials
Fully optimized data, ready for games and real-time applications
Ready to be used immediately in your scene
Optimized mesh complexities for different viewing distances
Building are set up for collisions
To showcase some of our content, we created this game engine based demo. Please play the demo, read the PDF and reach out if you'd like to hear more!
Everything from commercial and industrial buildings to single and multi-family homes, as well as skyscrapers.
A wide range of clients rely on our game and VFX ready 3D buildings. You can find out more below.
A realistic BMX game needs realistic 3D buildings! A perfect fit for our high-quality 3D content to create lively game levels!
A world leader in 3D GIS and mapping technology. Mobiltech are using our content to extend their city visualizations where data is missing. Mind the gap!
At the forefront of AI research for Autonomous Driving, Morai creates advanced driving simulators, for which we provide 3D buildings. Ride on!
A realistic BMX game needs realistic 3D buildings! A perfect fit for our high-quality 3D content to create lively game levels!
A world leader in 3D GIS and mapping technology. Mobiltech are using our content to extend their city visualizations where data is missing. Mind the gap!
At the forefront of AI research for Autonomous Driving, Morai creates advanced driving simulators, for which we provide 3D buildings. Ride on!
An urban adventure for you to experience: We are sure you will enjoy trying out how it feels to drive around the 3D city designed exclusively for you from our building assets!
Here are some impressions of what you can do with our drag-and-drop models. Enlarge with a click and share with friends. And no, those images are not photographs – they’re all digital 3D renderings.
We always look forward to new challenges – after all, this is how we continue to develop and grow. Do not hesitate to contact us!